

npm i -g bindup

A CLI for rendering markdown directories into epub files. This readme will be fleshed out further in time.

Read the full docs at

Configure your book

To properly configure your book for Bindup:

Organize your book in a manuscript folder

An example of how your manuscript directory might look is:

The number and ~ will be removed when the book is rendered to an epub.

It works the same for nested folders:

Create a json config file

You must customize settings for your book by creating a JSON file with valid properties.

Example book-config.json:

  "author": "Benjamin August",
      "title": "Book 1: Welcome to the Multiverse",
      "manuscript": "./myBookDirectory",
    "formats": [

Check the spec for a full list of valid properties.

Required properties:

Examples of optional properties include:

Render epubs

Use bindup render book_config_path_here

That will render an epub to the directory the command is being run from.

For example:

bindup render my-book-config.json